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Alert: Our Bloomingdale office will merge with our sister location, Comprehensive Dentistry of Bloomingdale. Learn More.

Trust | Confidence | Convenience

Your Most Trusted Family Dental Office!

We’ve Helped Thousands of Happy Patients

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Award-Winning Dentists

Dental Offices in Glen Ellyn & Campton Hills

The team at Family Dental Care has extensive experience and backgrounds in cosmetic dental procedures. We provide a wide range of dental services in Glen Ellyn and Campton Hills, IL, including veneers, dental implants, crowns, cleanings, and more. Our wealth of knowledge, level of skill, and personal interest in you and your well-being will provide the smile that will draw positive attention. You can have that bright and shining smile you’ve always wanted! Give us a call to schedule a free consultation.

A Proud Provider of Invisalign® Clear Aligners

Family Dental Care and invisalign logo

mom and her son

High-Tech Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry

Since 1980s, our doctors have been at the forefront of cosmetic dentistry and have treated thousands of cases. Our offices are equipped with the latest technology to provide all of the high-tech cosmetic dentistry procedures available today.

Friendly & Competent Dentistry

Our office is the hearth of a warm dental community we have built with our patients. We are continually striving to deepen relationships with everyone we work with and are pleased to welcome you to our practice. At Family Dental Care, you will receive exceptional dental care and be an active participant in your dental work. We take pride in our patient-dentist communication. For a free consultation, contact us today!

Schedule Exceptional Dental Care

Three Convenient Locations

We have offices in Campton Hills and Glen Ellyn

Campton Hills

40W177 Campton Crossing Dr, Suite B
St. Charles, IL 60175


Glen Ellyn

658 Roosevelt Rd
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137


Campton Hills

Family Dental Care of Campton Hills, 40W177 Campton Crossings Drive, St. Charles, IL, USA

Glen Ellyn

Family Dental Care of Glen Ellyn, Roosevelt Road, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA

We Help You Afford the Care You Need and Deserve!

Family Dental Care accepts most major dental insurance plans, and will work with you to help you understand your benefits.


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We Accept All Major Credit Cards

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